NorthStar Pet: Cooped-Up Enrichment
My pet sitter and colleague Karen Meldrum of Wizard of Dogz has some easy, imaginative, and proven suggestions to help dogs expend energy and help the cabin-fever break:
Dogs are getting frustrated at not getting their walks or being outside to run and frolic in the yard, so make sure you keep them busy inside!. I throw tiny training treats around the house, under beds, into their toy piles and chew baskets and send them on a mad treat finding game.
Then keep their mouths busy with frozen licks and chews! Gather up your kongs, shin bones, compresed rawhide, nylabones, etc. Smear/fill them with peanut butter, pumpkin, yogurt, applesauce, over-ripened banana and a splatter of kibble or treats and put them in the freezer. All sure to keep them busy and make them happy!
Thanks, Karen!
Click here to visit Wizard of Dogz.